Saturday, May 31, 2008


52 seconds ago made it official; we have hit the half-way through the year mark. Yesterday I found myself up until 4:00am watching "Waiting to Exhale" followed by "The Pursuit of Happiness." Although these are not premieres, I was attached to the t.v. and in deep thought as I watched them. Both movies explain exactly how I feel at this point in my life; and, these movies came on right after another on the same channel! Now to me, that was some freaky Jason ish...its amazing how things happen---its actually kinda scary.

Anyway, at the end of Pursuit of Happiness, I cried WITH Will when he got the position. Goodness, if I don't know how he feels---it just touched me (and this is not the first time I have seen this either). Everday he showed up to his intern focused because of his determination, regardless of what changes were occuring in his life. On the outside, his life was falling apart, but he never brought it to the workplace or told a soul. Been there and done that so many times...I guess you call it strength...**shrugs** So yeah...I knew this was a sign for me-and a well received one.

So, I made some goals that I want to accomplish by the end of the year. I will leave 08' with a bang. Here they are:

1). I will have a credit score of 750 by the end of the year.
2). I will be a CRA by the end of the year. The company I want to work for is not hiring until Aug., but anything is possible and I am not giving up.
3). I will lose 20 pds and make my goal (with a total weight lost of 70 pds) by Oct.

Don't worry about holding me to it, I will do it. So there it is. Also, some people just have to go {out of my life} right now. In due time all will be well, but now is not the time.

So thanks Direct TV for touching me last night. Thanks spirits above for giving me strength and most of all, thank you God for not allowing me to give up on me. These last couple of years have been an itch in some areas, but a 'change is gon' come' for me, and I KNOW it.

1 comment:

Don said...

Good luck with the weight loss, and that is one helluva credit score that you look to obtain.

Can you co-sign on a car for me??? LOL.