Sunday, January 5, 2014


I chose to have dinner here tonight. Here in Victoria, there aren't too many options and I didn't feel like riding around all night to find something. So I settled for RL. To be quite honest, RL is alright. I mean, I have a "craving" for their TARTAR SAUCE, BISCUITS and that CHOCOLATE COOKIE thing (that is complete heaven); everything else on the menu is....ehhhhh... I ordered the ultimate feast; and $25.00 later I am asking myself why the hell did I waste money on that ish? It was..bland, to say the least and just "whatever." I'm seriously starting to get over eating out. All the food is starting to taste the same!

1 comment:

Don said...

Not sure if you meant this post to be funny, but it made me laugh. I too have undergone this stage where all the food began to taste the same. I love seafood, but we usually go to the casino and eat their seafood buffet more times than not. Isn't Red Lobster famous for those Cheddar Biscuits?