Sunday, August 31, 2008

WHOA..its been a min..

Ok, so I owe (anyone out there) an update. It's now knocking on September and I haven't been on here for a while. So yeah, here is a very condensed (or my best efforts) of what has been going on lately....

As far as my goals;

1). I AM (yes, I said A.M.) a CRA. Initially I only knew of two companies that would train me for this postions; and both were in Austin which meant I would have to move...ugh. One wasn't feeling me for the CRA position and the other had a hiring freeze; and that is where patience kicked in. After 2 months, I looked into other companies hoping I could find one that would train me to be a CRA...and here I am. Not only did my new company train me, they didn't require me to move anywhere either-and I work from H.O.M.E!!! In this situation...I definitely came out on top...I couldn't be happier.

2). I am only 18 points shy of my credit score goal...yep, yep.

3). As far as weight loss..umm yeah, my October goal is out! But hey, I still have until the end of December to lose the extra

So everything is on its path.

Real Talk--keep your heads up people. Close friends, family members and even strangers will try to destroy any ambition you have. Set goals and go for them. You are truly the only one that controls your destiny...

Onto other things...

I found a couple of new things I want to invest in. I wish Monday wasn't a holiday cause I need to go to the bank--look, I know you need the day off, but I need to go to the Fine. And then too, I am going to try a new detox product (goodness) so we will see how that goals. Overall I am very excited about life and all the new things/ideas coming to me. I'm back to my old self again...and who can I thank!? Well, you already know...

1 comment:

Jus Me said...

Just, blogging around and came across your spot, I love it!. I shall return.