Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The start (again) of a new me!

And so here I am, still on this weight loss journey and who would've known it would be this long. How depressing. So what do I do, huh? Well, I've started (over) so many times its ridiculous. Who really takes 8 years to get their weight under control? Simple--a person who obviously is not ready for change (Umph, I disagree but cannot argue--but something has to give). There is nothing attractive about feeling like a fat beach whale while walking down the street. Clothes are too tight, rolls are thick and blah...

So tomorrow, 4/20/11 I start again. I continue to ask myself what is going to be different this time; but then I slowly deviate from those thoughts and think positive. I NEED to do it this time; I'm going to put in a little more effort this time and most importantly, I WILL do it this time.

I'm not going to share any pics right now (sparing any kind of diginity I have left, unless of course you see me in public), but I will post them later. Just know I have exactly 63.5 pounds to lose. And I wanna do it by Oct--shooooooooot, maybe it can happen. Join or follow, we can change together!

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