Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30.."the new me"

Today is a start of a new me. Yeah, I know its something everyone says around this time of year, but so what. Add me to the list if you feel necessary. I'm still struggling with this weight loss journey, so I started AGAIN today. I went to the gym and did kickboxing and eventhough it was completely BLAH, I stayed. I will also focus on lifting weights and doing all that other ish we know we need to do in order to get down to a decent size. For me, I am not sure what that size is....but I tell you what, this dayum back fat better be gone; and I'm shooting to have all this EXTRA gone by July. This will be TBC.... extra news, I'll be on here blogging more often. I missed this place.


Don said...

Good luck on your exercise and subsequent weight loss this year, Eb. I too set a goal for myself to pretty much start back running and lifting weights as if I were back in my military days. Not to necessarily lose weight tho, just to stay in shape and improve my cardio. I still like blogging myself, I like reflecting on my posts down the line.

Ebone' said...

Why thank you. I tell you, I am truly sick of starting this will be the last!