Saturday, February 23, 2008

Gary Coleman Ish

Gary Coleman, Gary Coleman, Gary Coleman.

Now you know he is a foo. He has been on the low for sometime now, but just recently he got married to a woman who claimed, "he was the most handsome man alive!" Uh huh-----(and so I start)...

...So I will not say its for money, but there has got to be another motive as to why this woman would marry this man. Ok, ok, maybe not--maybe they are REALLY in love...but yeah. So not even a month after the wedding, the girl is now in the hospital because he tried to run over her with his truck. to me, that was funny. Not because the girl is in the hospital and in critical condition...but because this took place not even a month after the wedding. Come on now...she had to have seen some "freaky jason" shit before she got married...humm; "and till death do you part!"


Blah Blah Blah said...

I think it's hilarious.

As for picking him to marry...well, I ain't gonna lie...I've been around a couple of dudes that weren't the best looking...but they treated me nice.

As for Gary...a truck? I don't think he purposely meant to do that...he's so little he probaby just lost control of the truck. We know his little ass can't see over the big ol' dashboard of a truck.

Brittany said...

There is someone for everyone.