Monday, February 18, 2008

If one more person...

Shoves me, pushes me or bumps into me as I am getting off the subway, I am going to kill everyone. Now I understand you are on your way to work, but come on now; is it that serious?

Which brings me to another topic at hand...


So, you lose all your manners and all sense of {anything} just to get to work on time, huh? Interesting.... Does the man have you "that" controlled where its worth running your ass to the train, closing elevator doors on people, etc? Dayum, I hate how the world and "Man" has {them} trained...its a damn shame.

From now on, I protest we all W.A.L.K. to work....or just not go!


Don said...


I agree, people may need to be a little more careful, in their rush to work. Either that, or get a better job.

Blah Blah Blah said...

...New Yorkers in general are in a rush to get NOwhere. They rush to get to a redlight...that I don't get.

I've gotten use to the bumping into on the train...but a muthaeffa start shoving...and I got a problem.

Eb the Celeb said...

Girl.... I hate when they are all frivolous with it... on a couple occasions they have been so wreckless that my ipod cord gets hung up on them somewhere and aaahhhh that pisses me off... this one lady caught me on the wrong morning and I laid her ass out... I felt bad afterwards but the bitch waited until the last minute to get off the train and then wanted to knock every out of the way so she didnt miss her stop. I so feel you on this one.

Ebone' said...

Don--I stay just stop working, lol.

Blah-I feel ya! These foos start sprinting for the train and its still not there by the time I make it. I often wonder where the hell they are going!

Eb--girl you are a mess. Why did this lady shove the hell out of me getting off the subway on Thursday! Um, yeah--2 seconds from a misunderstanding, I swear!! I even saw a man put hands on an older gentlemen (moving him out the way) so he could get past him. I mean damn, the man was damn near cripple and walking with a cane--can we say W.T.F!!!