Monday, February 25, 2008

"That Man"

There is a man I've seen a couple times on the subway. He is one that enters the train and gives his life story and asks for anything we can spare. Now through the grapevine, I heard this particular gentleman had AIDS--and that made me wonder, **how did he get them.** Of course you don't ask and of course you try to avoid eye contact with the gentlmen--I mean, we ARE in NY and that's just not the thing to do in NY. You sit in your seat and ignore people like this, right?!

Well today was his 3rd appearance--to me--and this time, I made it a point to look up at him. The past two times I was {TOO} good to look at him in his eyes. I mean, "I" am not in his situation and its not my fault he is there, right? So I starred at the ground but I caught a glimpse of his barefeet in my peripheral. I couldn't help but to think 'its freezing outside, sir!'--but still, I didn't lift a finger to give him any change--not to mention, look up at him.

Today was different. He came onto the train and shouted, 'Excuse me New York.....'...;but this time he said his name. 'My name is Micheal' and then he continued, 'and I have AIDS!' **WOW** I thought to myself--**now the rumor was a fact**. And it was at that moment that I was no longer interested in the ground and I felt compelled to look up at him. I starred at this man, now identified as Micheal, and attempted to listen to his words. To be honest, I am not sure if I really listened, but I definitely SAW what this gentleman had been through. Again, no shoes on his now black feet and toes; and although he didn't have an odor, his clothes were involuntarily brown. He requested change for food, any change we could spare so he could have a hot meal.

So I gave him money this time...I just felt like it was the right thing to do. No, I didn't feel sorry for him, but fuck--we have all been on our ass before, you know? Anyways, Micheal racked up on our train--good for him. But what I didnt understand is when a brotha, yes a brotha--cause let America tell it, we ain't shit--took off his shoes to give to Micheal, Micheal denied. I still don't understand that one. But I'm happy Micheal will at least get his meal tonight..and if thats not what he does with the money, that is not my business cause I did my part and that made me feel good.


Don said...

I see now that I am going to enjoy your blog.

Real talk post right here.

Everyone always tell me that I am too quick to hand over some spare change to Mr. Wendel. But you know what I do...I tell them it feeds my soul. And thats regardless of what they chose to do with that change. I hate when people act like humanity is a bad word.

Samii Styles said...

I usually don't give homeless people money, hell I'm one paycheck away from being homeless my damn self! I am more apt to give them food or clothing however.

Strange that he didn't take the shoes though...

Ebone' said...

You know samii, I used to be the same why--I don't know why, but I was. I won't say I'm the "number one giver" now, but every once in awhile it won't hurt.

Don--glad I'm "feedin" you (smile).

Blah Blah Blah said...

...I give when the mood strikes me to give..or rather when myheart says to.
So whether I have seen the same person every day for a week...matters not. I give when I feel like I am suppose to give...and that's different for everyone.

I rarely questions someone else's choices (unless it concerns me directly)....we all have our reasons for doing the things we do...and then there are those...who have no reason...erasoning has left them and they no longer know what the hell they are doing.

my buck fifty-six