Friday, March 28, 2008

It's gotta go...

Yep, that southern hospitality is not for a place like N.Y. Someone please shoot me the next time I make eye contact with the next {who knows} and forces my lips to speak "hello" Good-fucking-ness....

Well this gentlemen took my "hello" too far and now I can officially add him to the list of stalkers. Ok..let me back up. I don't mind listening to a person (hell, the train is coming anyway and hopefully they will go on about their business afterwards, right?) but to follow me is just outta control. So I sucked it up thinking **well this will be the last time I see him anyway...I can be nice until I get to my express stop**....SHIIIIIIII

Sure enough I got off the train and everything was cool that day; but someone please tell me why I saw "Mista" the next dayum day. UGH. Now homeboy must have had a nights worth of fun cause he brought two lovely fever blisters (one on the bottom lip and the other on top) to the conversation with him this day. All I could think was **please back the hell up--this is not the time or place to be all in my face**....

So evil Ebone' started to kick in and I acted as if I was blasting my ipod--which wasnt even on, but you know--but that still didnt work. The fool starting tapping me and shit...*hey, listen to this....look at this**...and I'm like **fuck--go away and don't fucking touch me**.So he got the point for a hot second but still managed to get on the same car as me....{dayum}. Now why the most ridiculous people want attention--I will never know, but homeboy was trying so hard to converse with everyone on the train. I guess he picked up a paper or something and it had a picture of some nasty freaky naked chick that got caught for some kind of scandal and he thought it was necessary to show the whole fucking train the cover-trying to show he was against it, I guess. The worst part is, he would spit on the cover to CONFIRM "she" was filth. And everytime he made a pouch in his lips to let whatever fucking infected ass saliva come out...I just cringed thinking **you better not get that shit on me with all that EXTRA on your lips**....

Long story short people...I've seen him a couple more times and he just won't leave me the hell alone. Dude had the nerve to tell me I was going to marry him one day?! **Umm yeah...when chitlines make you lose weight**....(gags)...

So I blame this on the dirty-dirty. See in the South, we speak to people as we walk by, and although I think this is a kind gesture-and I will STILL do it sometimes-I'm going to have to be selective to the people I greet in NY....ugh.

1 comment:

Don said...

I live in the South, so I agree with the hospitality. Thats bad how dude took your speaking to him for something other than what it was. Then you can't really hurt his feelings cause he might be a mental patient. Sorry to hear.