Saturday, March 8, 2008

There is ALWAYS one

Yep, one! It nevers fails that there is always one stanky, catty ass woman that you work with that communicates with her tone of voice, looks, and posture to let you know you ain't shit. It's like she tries to intimidate you and belittle you because you are black {or some shit} but the bad part is, this heifer is black too. WTF.

Now I just don't get it. Everyone else in the workplace is cool! Now please know I am not looking to get in this mass circle of friends at the job, but hell--I could have sworn we were all black. I mean, we ALL struggle the same way, we ALL get played in Corporate America and we ALL had to do {a little more} just to get the position we have. So let's cut the shit house negro!

What amazes me more is I am suppose to be impressed because they have been at the company for {X} amount of years and they have an office with a view. Umm yeah, I am not impressed at all...seriously!! Now I know what you are thinking-many would feel honored to have all this, right? Well not me. Why you might ask? Well...ummm, cause someone else is signing their check, ass! And what these {now more traditionally called} 'Uncle Toms' don't understand is because someone else is signing their check, their black ass can get fired just like I can. Now what!?!? Own the company and then I might smile when you walk by; but until then, get the fuck--for real.


Perfect Mess said...

Gurl you are sooo right, we all have them, and they piss me off too. I just give them what they give me, the cold shoulder and smirk.

First timer I like it here I will be back.

Muze said...

man o man do i have some chicks at the job like that. they used to piss me off, but now i pay them no mind.

this is my first time here...loving what i see.

and, that banner pic? FLYYNESS. loves it.

hope all is well.

Diva's Thoughts said...

Well alright girl!!! Get that shit off your chest! lol

Ebone' said...

You know, this woman actually spoke to me today with