Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm starving

for change. Change within myself and the patterns I have been used to. I'm moving on up, as they would say, but I really want that special someone to share things with. Its annoying because I feel as if I am VERY picky (is that really, really bad)? I don't know...I'm just turned off by many things and I don't think that is judgemental, I just know what I like and these days, I want more.

So I joined myspace and DL again to get back in contact with family, old friends and hoping to meet new ones, but all is see is the same mess. So am I too serious? Too intense? I don't know. I love company and have a great sense of humor...but I just cannot get with the naked ass shots as defaults and retarded taglines; i.e. "I'm dA oNe DAt MaKEs Ur PuSSy WeT"...really? And you're 35? Goosh, I can only imagine what the 18 year olds say---I need to get a life.

So yeah...change please, someone, anyone...please hear this cry. I just want to be around normal people...dang, is it that hard to find in this big ass city?


Don said...

We're both starving. I think we've realized what will and what definitely won't work for us. I wate time, as we speak. But I guess that's more of needing something...

So I will wish you good luck, and you wish me the same.

Where there is a will, there is a way. I say.

Yasmeen Christian said...

I understand.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

what of the choice we make is my query. interesting, any who, u write well. nice blog sister, hope u dont mind me dropping through and do chk me out one day if u can